Materials: Letter from JL to M. Bond
by courtesy of Richard Bond
from Jack London
a letter M. Bond had
written to JL before |
Dear Marshall, Lo and
behold! I am just reading your letter of Oct., 12th. Hope to see you soon. Have received a couple letters from Del Bishop, and Charley Meyers looked me up recently. Sincerely
yours P.S. Was it a boy?*** * The California Cured Fruit Association founded by my greatgrandfather Judge Hiram Bond. Hiram's brother Elmer was an officer of The New York Produce Dealers Assoc. and recommended Hiram go into the prune business. The largest export market for the CCFA was Germany. The CCFA went bankrupt due to oversupply in 1901 and was reorganized as The California Prune Board which still exists. The Mansion is now a Carmelite Nunnery **The Garden City Ahletic Club of San Jose *** This refers to Richard Marshall Bond Sr born Nov., 5th, 1903 |
co. Reinhard Wissdorf / StoryNet 1996 | Jack London Home | Essays | eMail | ||||