1907 Jack London and his wife paid a quick visit to Goldfield and were
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Bond. By this time Jack London
was already nationally known, he and Charmain were given a royal tour.
London was greatly impressed by the activity he saw there, but did not
remain because of his plans to sail accross the Pacific on his yacht
the "Snark" The Goldfield News quoted London: [I am surprised at the
stone buildings going up. This isn't a camp. It's a city and one of
the first class. Goldfield is not built on air, as sometimes we are
expected to believe. It is built upon mines. Do you mean to tell me
that all these dumps out there are all mines that the money from the
sale of treasury stock is going into the ground at this rate in actual
developments? And the ore I have been shown during te first two hours
in the camp! The Frances-Mohawk with its bands of chemically pure gold,
the January-Jones quartz full of gold nuggets, the amazing yellowness
of the Little Florence, and the vastness of the deposit.]
June, 3, 1907
Mollie and Louis Bond Goldfield, Nevada
Dear Mrs.
A letter from you was forwarded to me from Glen Ellen, and it's at present
down at our headquarters at Pearl Locks, and we are spending a few days
in Honolulu, and I can not get at it; but at any rate, I hope we'll
get copies of the flashlights. I am anxious to see them, and add them
to my album of Nevada pictures connected with our eventful trip. It
seems only yesterday that we were there; and yet, it's some time ago,
and certainly the scene of our good time is a good many miles away.
*I want to ask a small favor, which will be a gret favor to us, and
to someone else. Do you remember Fred J. Church up Klondike way, when
you were there? He is very anxious to have one of those pictures of
you** and Buck, and the cabin, and I am going to ask you to send us
one, and Jack will add his signature. We haven't any left. Please send
it to Glen Ellen, and it will be forwarded. Jack is laid up today with
a very severe case of sunburn, on his arms, and particularly under his
knees, from surf-boarding yesterday. He can not stand up, and I have
my hands full keeping cloths on his scorched wet flesh in Hamamelis.
With best wishes from Jack and the Churches.
Charmain K. London
Notes by
Richard Bond
*This section is directed to Louis
**The man in the picture is actually not Louis it's my grandfather Marshall
Latham Bond